Time in London

What time is it in London?

Sunday, August 4, 2013

One Door Closes

Life is funny.

Maybe the Multnomah County Library is hiring?

I learned from my London peeps that librarians are a mobile bunch. They go where they are needed. Crystal moved to the midwest from the east coast right before we went to London. Nicole and Martha are willing to travel, too. If my local library is hiring, the London folks would consider me lucky. George Eliot believed in luck (as well as philosophy, ethics and politics). Sounds like the County library is calling.

Photo Book Assignment

Mixbook - Create Beautiful Photo Books and Scrapbooks! | Start your own Photo Books | Create custom Christmas Cards

Sunday, July 28, 2013

It's My Main Man, Billy Idol

My life is complete. Second to the last day in London and Mr. Billy Idol finally made an appearance. Too bad the appearance consisted only of memorabilia at the Hard Rock Cafe but that's the breaks. I was really excited to find him in a corner with four items prominently displayed. (Again, it wasn't him - you know what I mean!)

We toured Buckingham Palace as a last hurrah and I surprised myself by admitting I would have no qualms living there. My life would consist of lounging on the settee in the music room; the windows would be open and a breeze would blow through; a beverage with a lot of ice sweating on the side table. One of my classmates went so far as to say she'd marry royalty as long as he was a "minor" royal. Which begs the question - is there such a thing? Hmm... Some have referred to Billy Idol as rock 'n roll royalty...

I did a quick Google search before coming to London to determine how many Billy Idol blogs existed and how I would set my postings apart (so Billy didn't think of me as some creepy middle-aged groupie). To my surprise, there aren't any blogs dedicated to Billy, so here's my chance to write something really profound: Mr Idol (Billy, I would say), your public persona encouraged me as a young woman to find my own style; your music kept me company; and your passion has inspired me. Thank you.

Mixing It Up With FSU Study Abroad Programs--Group Video Project

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Please enjoy photos of my mascot, Chickenpants, while I sleep away my last weekend in London.

Friday, July 26, 2013

It's an Apology (of sorts)

I discovered my inner George Eliot yesterday. 

One of the lessons for this semester was copyright. If I'm going to borrow words, images, or songs, I must attribute the works to the owner. I have no problem with that concept. However, when limited use of these works interferes with my creative vision, I stubbornly forge ahead regardless of the consequences. For example, directly below this post is my "digital story" assignment (please watch it if you haven't already). I knew the following two things before I posted my assignment: I had a blast creating the video AND I violated copyright by using almost an entire song. If Dr Everhart gave out "A's" for sheer enjoyment of preparing an assignment, I would make the Dean's List. But that's not going to happen. I will not get an "A" - probably a lot of hits on YouTube but not a good grade.

In essence, I know what I'm doing is contrary to what I should be doing but I do it anyway. This blog is an apology to every professor I've ever had that threw up their hands, shook their head, and was convinced they would never be able to teach me anything. Believe me, I picked up what you were putting down, but I have this stubborn streak. I'm willing to accept the consequences. R.I.P.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

It's the Magic of Harry Potter

I loved the Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter. There were no rides or scary monsters - just a collection of costumes, props, creatures, and sets from the movies.
So J.K. Rowling wrote a series of books which were made into films. OK. What I don't think about are all of the incredibly talented people that it took to pull off her vision. This tour was like a shrine to EVERYONE involved in this massive production. That would be akin to someone coming along and preserving my group's time in London. So in a small way, that's what we are doing individually with our blogs and Facebook postings. Lightbulb moment and it only took me 2-1/2 weeks!

I came to London fairly certain I would be regularly blogging about my favorite Brit, Billy Idol. I've loved his music since I was old enough to legally drive. Dr. Everhart pointed out to me this morning that I've written about everything BUT Billy Idol. So what's the deal?

Maybe, like Fawkes (pictured at left), I am a Phoenix that cyclically bursts into flames and is then reborn from the ashes. Even at my mature age, I constantly surprise myself. It's nice to know that I can recognize and enjoy these moments.

Stay tuned - I WILL find something to say about Billy Idol in a future post.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

It's High Tea and Waffles

High Tea this afternoon outside Kensington Gardens. Four cups of tea later I'm hankering for coffee. An iced white mocha actually with as many ice cubes as the glass will hold. And a bendy straw. The bread was dry and the scones had {gasp} raisins so I concentrated mostly on the top tray (and the cute waiters). 

On our way back to the Tube station to return to our flat, I saw a red dog off in the distance. I caught my breath - no, it couldn't be...the tail was all wrong...but the closer the dog came to me, I knew it was an Irish Terrier. I closed the gap between us and nearly accosted the dog's owner. The tail was still throwing me so I asked what kind of dog it was. He could only get out "Irish" and we both said "Terrier" together. I laughed and told him I had one named, Reilly, and could I pet his dog. "Of course! Her name is Waffles!". Like all Irish Terriers, she had no interest in me and wanted to take off after a squirrel she could see across the path. I thanked the man, pet Waffles, said goodbye, and then burst into tears.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Royal Baby Watch

It's His Royal Highness!

It's the Best Day EVER!

George Eliot (Mary Ann Cross (née Evans))
Credit: © National Portrait Gallery, London
Artist: François D'Albert Durade
What a fabulous day in jolly old London. The heatwave promises to break; Kate is in labor; and I had two George Eliot sightings in the space of a few hours!
We went to Westminster Abbey first and I was so enthralled with the place that I totally forgot to look for "Poets' Corner" until Miguel, one of my classmates, pointed out George Eliot's memorial on the floor. Thank you, Miguel! As you may recall from one of my earlier posts, George Eliot is actually buried at Highgate Cemetery and could only get an honorable mention at Westminster Abbey because she was a dissenter.

I LOVED the Westminster neighborhood. The Houses of Parliament, Prime Minister's residence, and Big Ben had my head almost swiveling off my neck. I wanted to see a dude in a white wig but somehow they eluded me. If I were to live and work in London, it would be in this neighborhood. Regal, cultured, learned, and super cool!

Next stop was the National Portrait Gallery. I almost had a heart attack once inside because I asked for directions to George Eliot's portrait (the one shown above) and the attendant told me the portrait had been removed from the gallery and taken to the archives. Another attendant saw me clutching my chest and intervened: the portrait was on the First Floor Room 24. I ran at the speed of light (not really) to that location and the clouds parted and the angels sang and...I couldn't stop grinning like an idiot. There she was. I had come so far and she didn't disappoint.

My sincere thanks to the the National Portrait Gallery (National Portrait Gallery)
for granting me a license to reproduce George Eliot's portrait in my blog.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

It's Not My Cup of Tea

Whirlwind trip to Paris. I feel fortunate that I returned to London with all of my belongings. Signs everywhere warning of pickpockets. Our professor's husband, Harry, joined us on our adventure and added a layer to the group dynamic that had been missing. In one word: Harry is cool. Thank you for going with us. His "C'mon kids" is still warmly ringing in my ears. No student left behind.

There are any number of photos that I could post detailing our adventures in Paris. Unfortunately I don't have any of our last stop before I rode the train back to London. The last stop was a restaurant that I will never be able to find again in a million years. I don't know what it was about this establishment because we have eaten together as a group before. Somehow, this place had us relaxing and enjoying each other for the first time. There was singing, dancing, laughing, HUGGING, and a wonderful ease in our own company. It was a reward at the end of a hard day.

One of my flatmates showed tremendous courage while we were at the Eiffel Tower. I've had the pleasure of learning a lot of things from the individuals in my group. Some lessons I'll be able to take away and use while others I will discard. The lesson I learned from my flatmate I won't be able to use or discard. I'll just have to file it away. Maybe one day I'll do something that I otherwise wouldn't have the courage to do because of her example. She thinks because she needed support that somehow she failed. Au contrair, mon ami.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

It's a Man in Uniform

Notify the Queen's Guard: I hopped on a bus this afternoon all by myself. Even better, I determined that although the bus was headed in the right direction, it was stuck in traffic. So, I got off the bus and found a nearby tube station. Not only did I board the tube by myself, but I successfully transferred lines. And voila! I made it back to the flat in one piece. Hallelujah!

We're going to Paris tomorrow (Friday) and I have decided to return to London instead of going on to Germany for the weekend. I just don't have what it takes to travel alone. Pretty sad. I worried about it for the first week I was here and then once I made up my mind that I wasn't going, I began to relax. If it's meant to be, Dwayne and I will make the trip together some day.

I found a friend for Token. This raven was huge and didn't appear to be too afraid of me as I walked right up to him to take this photo at the Tower of London. I know the Londoners have a superstition about ravens but this poor dude was tagged and had his wings clipped so he wouldn't fly away. So on the one hand, here I am with the ability to fly and I won't do it; this bird can't fly but would probably like to leave the confines of the tourist attraction.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It's a Self Portrait

This photo from the Roald Dahl Museum (http://www.roalddahlmuseum.org/) is perfect: it has a purple background; an old broad; and subtitles!
Our guide at the museum said that one of the missions of the museum is to inspire children and adults to write. She also said Roald Dahl did not use his imagination as much as he used examples from his real life. I shouldn't have any excuses keeping me from writing the next great children's book entitled I've Lost My Flock But Not My Family, featuring Token the Chicken.

Found out I needed some alone time today and that it's really hard to accomplish when you're in a group. I managed to find a seat by myself on the train from Great Missenden back to London and enjoyed every second of it. I was even a rebel and put my feet on the seat across the aisle even though there was a sign clearly posted that told me not to!

Multimedia Choice Assignment

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

It's Magical

A couple of years ago I read a book by Deborah Harkness called A Discovery of Witches. It's about a young scholar who discovers a long-lost and enchanted alchemical manuscript deep in Oxford's Bodleian Library. 

Today we visited Oxford and the Bodleian Library and I tried to connect what I read in Harkness' novel to the reality. No comparison. Hands down the real deal kicked my imagination's booty. What an old, preserved, proud place.

The best part was the shelving containing the books that Thomas Bodley himself contributed to the library - the shelves were handmade and complete with irregularities and character. I could almost picture the woodworkers with their lathes.

Extremely exhausting day but the beauty of Oxford and Christchurch saved the day.

Monday, July 15, 2013

It's a Yin/Yang Thing

Our photo assignment today was contrasts. I've posted a few memorable photos from the Camden Market.

Speaking of contrasts, I'd like to dedicate this posting to one of my flatmates, Martha. It is my privilege to know Martha from previous classes in the program. She's pulled my fanny out of the fire many times. She is calm, competent, and fearless. She moves around London like she owns the place. I take 41 photos per day - she snaps 181. I am afraid to leave the comfort of a group, but Martha has no qualms about going off on her own. I'm afraid to be heard, but Martha is multilingual. 

I have only three weeks to learn a lot of "stuff" while I'm here in London. So how do I get some of Martha's bravado in the short amount of time I have left? If bravado were shareable, I know she would share it with me. She is a very patient teacher, listener, and communicator. In life, there are people you either want to emulate or avoid. I hope my time here allows me to come home a stronger person.

Martha also has a sense of humor. Click on the following link to access a comic strip that I put together poking fun at our relationship: Martha is Perfect

Sunday, July 14, 2013

George Eliot Podcast

Photo courtesy of the Highgate Cemetery and used with their permission. Please visit them at: Highgate Cemetery.

Listen to this episode:

Saturday, July 13, 2013

It's a Golden Ticket

I went solo to the British Museum today, and in and amongst all of the gold trinkets I started fantasizing again. Surprisingly, not about a jewelry wardrobe. Although I could go off on a tangent about the drool I left on the display cases. Nope, my mind took a trip down a yellow brick memory lane. 
I don't know, maybe it's because I'm older than some precious metals, but I've gotten to the point where I use every available opportunity to pat myself on the back. Not as an ego trip but to muster up courage. I figure opportunities are like solar panels and if I can absorb sufficient atta-girls, I will have enough strength to see things through. Anyway, I was thinking about my undergrad days and my position within the educational community. I was very successful with my course of study at the undergrad level. I wasn't the best or the brightest - I was golden. Unique. Special. However, success came at a price. How does a golden child achieve something equally great or greater when moving to the next level? How do you become more golden? Anyone know?

Friday, July 12, 2013

It's Hilary, a.k.a., Melissa, Katie, and Everyone Else in London

 In my comfort zone today (photographing flowers and animals) and feeling better about being part of the group (because we're all quite exhausted). 

I met this pigeon today and have decided to name her Hilary because apparently that is the go-to name for every person I meet. It appears I've taken to calling most of my classmates by this name. There is a Hilary in my group (and I'm not sure she knows I'm attached to her name in some crazy way), so it's not as if I picked some random name. The real Hilary is a very nice, sane person. She has a genuine smile that reaches her eyes and an easy-going nature. She's also part of the "tall" group that stands in the back of the pack for pictures. I don't find this pigeon to be smiling or very tall, so I don't understand how my brain is making this odd connection. However, I will take this opportunity to apologize to Melissa and Katie for my slip of the tongue over the past couple of days. Very nice girls that are probably horrified that they, too, could lose their minds in a couple of years.

Oh, and here's a photo of Hilary, the squirrel. She's eating out of Hilary's hand.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

It's a Dry Eyed Day

OK - I'm a crier. About everything. I try to stifle my sniffles but they pick the most embarrassing or inopportune time to just burst out of me. Except while I was at The British Library. Nothing - not even a hint of moisture. What was wrong with me that I felt so cold about this really cool place? I was surrounded by classmates who were moved to tears by Lady Jane Grey's prayer book and Shakespeare's First Folio. Well, I wanted to cry too! But what I really wanted was to have the feeling of wanting to cry. I really want to fit in with my group and feel passionate about the old books and the sheer volume of items in The British Library's collection but today was a perfect example of what an outcast I am. The amount of gold in the Treasures Room was quite breathtaking, but even its luster couldn't get me excited. On a positive note, I traveled alone on the bus for the first time and successfully made it from Point A to Point B. For that, I get a pat on the back.
Another photographic souvenir.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

It's a clown, it's a gladiator sandal, it's...Squidward?

This clown dude is just scary.
Today, we visited the Museum of London and I posted photos of my three favorite exhibits.
These shoes look modern but they are super old.

This guy looks like Squidward from Spongebob Squarepants.

You decide

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

It's An Invitation for the Pleasure of My Company

We were forced to sit in a classroom today, and wouldn't you know, my mind wandered. (It really doesn't take much - one of my flatmates has accused me of having the attention span of a fly and being "easily" distracted. Give me a break.) What if...the Royals invited me to dinner at Buckingham Palace? What if...they were interested in adding Florida State University to their list of "Royal Charities" and as a token gesture, randomly picked an American student studying abroad. "I am honored to attend," I would gush, and then...,"OK - the next group presentation," our Professor announces. Back to reality. No, you can't interrupt my fantasy!! I'm on the verge of meeting Kate and William and being a major influence in their decision on baby names. HER ROYAL HIGHNESS ANNETTE OF CAMBRIDGE. It's perfect. Don't you think?

Monday, July 8, 2013

It's Too Much Traffic, I Can't Pass...

Meet Mohamed. He was our wonderful chauffeur from Heathrow to the FSU Study Centre. His smiling face was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen after flying, walking (and OMG blistering), and sweating my way through three airports and eight time zones. Mohamed was so warm and friendly. He had the best sense of humor, too. There were four passengers (Kristyn, Hilary, Brianna, and me) and, of course, I called shot gun. Well, Mohamed's chuckle when he saw me climb into the driver's seat had me laughing for the first time since I left Portland. I think the steering wheel should have been a give away that I was in the wrong seat!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Audio editing exercise

Please click on the link below to access a practice audio exercise. I recorded my voice and then added some background music.

Video editing exercise

Please click on the link below to access a short video I made that introduces you to three very important members of my household

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Photo Editing Exercise

Cropped high quality version of my right foot on my desk.
This is my garnet and gold American pedicure. Watch out London - I've got school spirit.

Same photo using the vignette effect in Adobe Photoshop

Same photo using the picture stack effect in Adobe Photoshop. Very much inspired by photographer, David Hockney, from Bradford, U.K.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

It's Going to Be Okay

Watch out, London - I think I've actually put together outfits incorporating all of these colors at the same time. I could start the next great fashion trend: instead of color blocking, I'm color spotting! There are so many benefits to looking like this: I would probably never get lost; accessorizing would be easy; and if my hips look too wide in orange spots, I'd just change the spots to green (although in this pic my hips look great!).

The trip to London is a special offering as part of the Library and Information Studies Program through Florida State University. A blog is a requirement of the program's curriculum. This blog is meant to be a reflection of my unique perspective of my time in London. I guarantee you that my perspective will be a mass of contradictions because I tend to be contradictory and rather eccentric (thanks, Mom). I will post photographs that I have taken myself, incorporating people, places, and things that inspire and (most likely) amuse me, from the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. I will try to write something witty. Sometimes I may have a lot to write, while other times it may be a struggle to put two sentences together. 

My regular postings start July 8, 2013, and will continue daily for the remainder of the month. I welcome your participation and comments. (Remember: Spell Check exists for a reason so don't be afraid to use it.) Cheerio for now!

Since this is the introductory post in my very first blog, I want to give a huge shout out to my family and friends who made this study abroad possible - Phil and Beth Horine; Gayle Burnett; David and Peggy Horine; Barbara Samuels; and Dwayne Frizielle. I couldn't do this without your support. Thank you!