Time in London

What time is it in London?

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

It's High Tea and Waffles

High Tea this afternoon outside Kensington Gardens. Four cups of tea later I'm hankering for coffee. An iced white mocha actually with as many ice cubes as the glass will hold. And a bendy straw. The bread was dry and the scones had {gasp} raisins so I concentrated mostly on the top tray (and the cute waiters). 

On our way back to the Tube station to return to our flat, I saw a red dog off in the distance. I caught my breath - no, it couldn't be...the tail was all wrong...but the closer the dog came to me, I knew it was an Irish Terrier. I closed the gap between us and nearly accosted the dog's owner. The tail was still throwing me so I asked what kind of dog it was. He could only get out "Irish" and we both said "Terrier" together. I laughed and told him I had one named, Reilly, and could I pet his dog. "Of course! Her name is Waffles!". Like all Irish Terriers, she had no interest in me and wanted to take off after a squirrel she could see across the path. I thanked the man, pet Waffles, said goodbye, and then burst into tears.

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