Time in London

What time is it in London?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

It's An Invitation for the Pleasure of My Company

We were forced to sit in a classroom today, and wouldn't you know, my mind wandered. (It really doesn't take much - one of my flatmates has accused me of having the attention span of a fly and being "easily" distracted. Give me a break.) What if...the Royals invited me to dinner at Buckingham Palace? What if...they were interested in adding Florida State University to their list of "Royal Charities" and as a token gesture, randomly picked an American student studying abroad. "I am honored to attend," I would gush, and then...,"OK - the next group presentation," our Professor announces. Back to reality. No, you can't interrupt my fantasy!! I'm on the verge of meeting Kate and William and being a major influence in their decision on baby names. HER ROYAL HIGHNESS ANNETTE OF CAMBRIDGE. It's perfect. Don't you think?

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