Time in London

What time is it in London?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

It's a Man in Uniform

Notify the Queen's Guard: I hopped on a bus this afternoon all by myself. Even better, I determined that although the bus was headed in the right direction, it was stuck in traffic. So, I got off the bus and found a nearby tube station. Not only did I board the tube by myself, but I successfully transferred lines. And voila! I made it back to the flat in one piece. Hallelujah!

We're going to Paris tomorrow (Friday) and I have decided to return to London instead of going on to Germany for the weekend. I just don't have what it takes to travel alone. Pretty sad. I worried about it for the first week I was here and then once I made up my mind that I wasn't going, I began to relax. If it's meant to be, Dwayne and I will make the trip together some day.

I found a friend for Token. This raven was huge and didn't appear to be too afraid of me as I walked right up to him to take this photo at the Tower of London. I know the Londoners have a superstition about ravens but this poor dude was tagged and had his wings clipped so he wouldn't fly away. So on the one hand, here I am with the ability to fly and I won't do it; this bird can't fly but would probably like to leave the confines of the tourist attraction.

1 comment:

  1. Great insight between you and the raven! We all have to realize where we are in life and what is important to us. If travelling alone was very important to you, You would have been able to do it. Don't let your fears stop you, but also realize and know anything truly important you want to do-you can and you will. Love you enjoyed and celebrated the stepping into traversing London solo. Bravo!
