Time in London

What time is it in London?

Friday, July 12, 2013

It's Hilary, a.k.a., Melissa, Katie, and Everyone Else in London

 In my comfort zone today (photographing flowers and animals) and feeling better about being part of the group (because we're all quite exhausted). 

I met this pigeon today and have decided to name her Hilary because apparently that is the go-to name for every person I meet. It appears I've taken to calling most of my classmates by this name. There is a Hilary in my group (and I'm not sure she knows I'm attached to her name in some crazy way), so it's not as if I picked some random name. The real Hilary is a very nice, sane person. She has a genuine smile that reaches her eyes and an easy-going nature. She's also part of the "tall" group that stands in the back of the pack for pictures. I don't find this pigeon to be smiling or very tall, so I don't understand how my brain is making this odd connection. However, I will take this opportunity to apologize to Melissa and Katie for my slip of the tongue over the past couple of days. Very nice girls that are probably horrified that they, too, could lose their minds in a couple of years.

Oh, and here's a photo of Hilary, the squirrel. She's eating out of Hilary's hand.

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