Time in London

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Friday, July 26, 2013

It's an Apology (of sorts)

I discovered my inner George Eliot yesterday. 

One of the lessons for this semester was copyright. If I'm going to borrow words, images, or songs, I must attribute the works to the owner. I have no problem with that concept. However, when limited use of these works interferes with my creative vision, I stubbornly forge ahead regardless of the consequences. For example, directly below this post is my "digital story" assignment (please watch it if you haven't already). I knew the following two things before I posted my assignment: I had a blast creating the video AND I violated copyright by using almost an entire song. If Dr Everhart gave out "A's" for sheer enjoyment of preparing an assignment, I would make the Dean's List. But that's not going to happen. I will not get an "A" - probably a lot of hits on YouTube but not a good grade.

In essence, I know what I'm doing is contrary to what I should be doing but I do it anyway. This blog is an apology to every professor I've ever had that threw up their hands, shook their head, and was convinced they would never be able to teach me anything. Believe me, I picked up what you were putting down, but I have this stubborn streak. I'm willing to accept the consequences. R.I.P.


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