Time in London

What time is it in London?

Thursday, July 11, 2013

It's a Dry Eyed Day

OK - I'm a crier. About everything. I try to stifle my sniffles but they pick the most embarrassing or inopportune time to just burst out of me. Except while I was at The British Library. Nothing - not even a hint of moisture. What was wrong with me that I felt so cold about this really cool place? I was surrounded by classmates who were moved to tears by Lady Jane Grey's prayer book and Shakespeare's First Folio. Well, I wanted to cry too! But what I really wanted was to have the feeling of wanting to cry. I really want to fit in with my group and feel passionate about the old books and the sheer volume of items in The British Library's collection but today was a perfect example of what an outcast I am. The amount of gold in the Treasures Room was quite breathtaking, but even its luster couldn't get me excited. On a positive note, I traveled alone on the bus for the first time and successfully made it from Point A to Point B. For that, I get a pat on the back.
Another photographic souvenir.


  1. Hey, not everyone likes the same things! You are not an outcast just because you are not obsessed with special collections like one or two of your flatmates. I usually have to be forcibly removed from bookstores and libraries unless it is closing time, so if we had not had plans tonight I doubt I would have been back for dinner. Verrrry few people are like that and I don't feel weird about it at all!

  2. Just think how boring the world would be if we all reacted the same way about everything-then there could be no true excitement or passion-it could not come from within us when it is expected of us. Hold true to yourself and your passions-they are the spark and light that will ignite others attracted to your flame.
