Time in London

What time is it in London?

Saturday, June 22, 2013

It's Going to Be Okay

Watch out, London - I think I've actually put together outfits incorporating all of these colors at the same time. I could start the next great fashion trend: instead of color blocking, I'm color spotting! There are so many benefits to looking like this: I would probably never get lost; accessorizing would be easy; and if my hips look too wide in orange spots, I'd just change the spots to green (although in this pic my hips look great!).

The trip to London is a special offering as part of the Library and Information Studies Program through Florida State University. A blog is a requirement of the program's curriculum. This blog is meant to be a reflection of my unique perspective of my time in London. I guarantee you that my perspective will be a mass of contradictions because I tend to be contradictory and rather eccentric (thanks, Mom). I will post photographs that I have taken myself, incorporating people, places, and things that inspire and (most likely) amuse me, from the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. I will try to write something witty. Sometimes I may have a lot to write, while other times it may be a struggle to put two sentences together. 

My regular postings start July 8, 2013, and will continue daily for the remainder of the month. I welcome your participation and comments. (Remember: Spell Check exists for a reason so don't be afraid to use it.) Cheerio for now!

Since this is the introductory post in my very first blog, I want to give a huge shout out to my family and friends who made this study abroad possible - Phil and Beth Horine; Gayle Burnett; David and Peggy Horine; Barbara Samuels; and Dwayne Frizielle. I couldn't do this without your support. Thank you!


  1. testing testing 1.2.3. You will have such a fun and exciting trip. I can't wait to read and see the pictures of your adventure along the way! :)

  2. I will be waiting to see your awesome pictures and exciting posts. :)
