Time in London

What time is it in London?

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Photo Editing Exercise

Cropped high quality version of my right foot on my desk.
This is my garnet and gold American pedicure. Watch out London - I've got school spirit.

Same photo using the vignette effect in Adobe Photoshop

Same photo using the picture stack effect in Adobe Photoshop. Very much inspired by photographer, David Hockney, from Bradford, U.K.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

It's Going to Be Okay

Watch out, London - I think I've actually put together outfits incorporating all of these colors at the same time. I could start the next great fashion trend: instead of color blocking, I'm color spotting! There are so many benefits to looking like this: I would probably never get lost; accessorizing would be easy; and if my hips look too wide in orange spots, I'd just change the spots to green (although in this pic my hips look great!).

The trip to London is a special offering as part of the Library and Information Studies Program through Florida State University. A blog is a requirement of the program's curriculum. This blog is meant to be a reflection of my unique perspective of my time in London. I guarantee you that my perspective will be a mass of contradictions because I tend to be contradictory and rather eccentric (thanks, Mom). I will post photographs that I have taken myself, incorporating people, places, and things that inspire and (most likely) amuse me, from the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. I will try to write something witty. Sometimes I may have a lot to write, while other times it may be a struggle to put two sentences together. 

My regular postings start July 8, 2013, and will continue daily for the remainder of the month. I welcome your participation and comments. (Remember: Spell Check exists for a reason so don't be afraid to use it.) Cheerio for now!

Since this is the introductory post in my very first blog, I want to give a huge shout out to my family and friends who made this study abroad possible - Phil and Beth Horine; Gayle Burnett; David and Peggy Horine; Barbara Samuels; and Dwayne Frizielle. I couldn't do this without your support. Thank you!